Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Fab fish, chips and peas (serves 2)

2 large potatoes cut into thick ‘chips’ and parboiled for 5
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 x 200g pieces white fish fillet of your choice eg
haddock, swordfish, halibut
Juice ½ lemon
1 teaspoon butter, melted
1 x 300g tin marrowfat peas, drained
1 tablespoon tartar sauce
Freshly ground black pepper
Cooking instructions
1. Preheat the oven to 220oC/425oF/gas mark 7
2. Toss the parboiled chips in the oil and season
with plenty of black pepper. Place on a non-stick
baking sheet and cook for 25-30 minutes until
golden and tender
3. Place the fish fillets into a grill pan lined with
kitchen foil, brush with a little melted butter,
drizzle over the lemon juice and season with
black pepper. Place under a hot grill for 5-6
minutes until just cooke

1 comment:

believer1984 said...

Now this looks yummy. lucky enough im not fasting while checking this out-lol. Keep up the nice blog.